From Southerner to Settler: Unexpected Lessons from the Land of Israel

Growing up as an Orthodox Jewish daughter of an African immigrant in the colorful city of New Orleans, Susannah Schild always felt like she didn’t quite fit in. Amidst Mardi Gras Parades and swim meets, the idea of building a life in Israel seemed far-fetched. But yeas later, she found herself standing on a remote hilltop in the Judean Mountains, surrounded by sweeping valleys and vineyards, escorting her daughter towards a wedding canopy. Every member of the tiny wedding party, including the groom, spoke only Hebrew. How did she end up here? Told with humor and warmth, From Southern to Settler captures the beauty, the difficulty, and the strength of one woman connecting to her people and discovering the depth of the land that is there home. From the perils of parenthood in a foreign country, to a bar mitzva turned mud bath, to falling in love with Israel’s outdoors, her thought provoking stories about daily life in Israel will draw you in…and open you eyes to another side of the Holy Land.

The Backstory

This is the book I’d been trying to write for years. Starting the Hiking the Holyland blog gave me the tools (and the rest of the story!) to turn my dream of writing an inspirational book about real life in Israel into a reality.
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