Seattle to Strawberries

“Seattle to Strawberries” is a dramatic and engaging story of sixteen-year-old Rina Ziskind who is forced to leave behind her close-knit community when the school’s scholarship fund mysteriously disappears, and her father accepts a job as a mashgiach on a strawberry farm in a small town in Oregon with no Jewish schools, shuls, or stores. Rina’s struggle to restore her family’s dignity, and adjust to her new life’s circumstances, takes a new twist when she befriends a Jewish country girl far from Yiddishkeit.
“Seattle to Strawberries” interweaves essential messages about the emotional cost high tuition exacts on the Jewish Orthodox community. In this sensitive story, each member of the Ziskind family, has to reevaluate their relationship with each other, with Yiddishkeit, and their plans for the future, when their parents can’t afford to send their children to school.
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