The Pictorial Brochos Study Guide
The meticulously researched Pictorial Brochos Guide is now its third large printing and has been revamped for 2024. It includes a clear and visually appealing guide to hilchos brochos along with hundreds of common foods, each listed with a picture, their correct brocha, and a halachic explanation when called for.
The guide has been updated to include the latest snacks and cereals and current foods our kids are eating (like churros and chicken poppers). Outdated offerings (such as kasha varnishkes) have been ditched.
The halachos as per poskim have been carefully edited and revised under the guidance of Rabbi Heiman, and endorsed by Torah Umesorah.
This book is available for wholesale purchase by retailers, schools ,and yeshivos.
It’s fun for kids and adults and is affordable and reusable, year after year! Please call 718-232-1133 or brochosbooks@gmail.com.