“Tables and Tables of Writers… It was Like Coming Home”

Acknowledging JWWS
by Shayna Horowitz

The year I joined the JWWS was seminal. I went from being an unpublished writer to having a book contract with Menucha Publishers.

The summer before my first seminar I had attended a local writer’s workshop and Penina Pinkowitz was born. Here was the very character I had been searching for – full of life, hope and imagination – and with a fabulous inventor-father to boot. In short order I cranked out three stories and couldn’t wait to introduce Penina to the world. I submitted my short stories to the magazines and waited. And waited.

This was obviously before I knew about magazine word counts and themes.

Then I joined Chani Rosengarten’s weekly writing group. Under Chani’s guidance I had my first story accepted to the Curious Jr. and further stories followed, but Penina still languished in a drawer.

“Joining us for the JWWS?” Chani introduced me to a women’s only writing seminar in Jerusalem. I immediately signed up and in one of the ensuing emails discovered there would be publishing houses present at the seminar.

One could pitch a book!

The night before the seminar, Penina Pinkowitz was printed, collated and stapled.

Entering the JWWS for the first time was incredible. Writers. Tables and tables of frum women writers. Here were other individuals that thrilled at a turn of a phrase and reveled in the metaphors and symbols of life’s unfolding. Here were people you could talk to. It was like coming home.

And then, at the break between talks, I pitched “Penina”. She got immediate love from the publishers but Esther Heller of Menucha actually offered to read the hard copy on the bus ride home to Tzfas. And so Penina Pinkowitz found a home and I went from being an unpublished writer to an honest-to-goodness author.

Of course, that was only the start of my journey, but at the JWWS I found friends, met my mentor and most importantly – got a publisher – which is why in my very first book, Penina Pinkowitz and the Summer Situation, under the acknowledgments, you will find a special thank you to Tamar Ansh and the JWWS.

Because the JWWS deserves to be there!!!

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